eot crane manufacturer in India

Complete Quality Solutions from the finest Overhead Crane Supplier

July 26, 2017

Overhead cranes – an overview

Overhead cranes are an essential part of any factory floor, especially for handling materials. Cranes play a significant role in moving things like heavy machinery and large sections from one place on the factory floor to another. Overhead cranes may also be used to move heavy raw materials from one part of the factory floor to another. Overhead cranes may be manually operated or electronically operated and include examples like the overhead EOT crane and the electric overhead traveling crane. Overhead traveling cranes are available in a wide variety of configurations. Overhead cranes are also available as fixed or moving types with single and double girders, depending on their weight carrying capacity. Most factories have diverse requirements as far as material handling is concerned, due to which the overhead crane suppliers and manufacturers must be able to gauge the requirements and offer perfect solutions. The ability to provide a customized solution which fits the client’s requirements perfectly can be instrumental to the success of overhead crane suppliers.

Fact file: Overhead cranes

Overhead cranes are available in multiple configurations depending upon their weight-carrying capacity. The configurations of the overhead cranes may also be focused on the direction of movement of the crane. There are also numerous configurations based on the travel length of the crane in the required direction. Most overhead cranes have free movement in two directions and restricted movement in one direction. However, some overhead EOT crane manufacturers also manufacture overhead cranes with the ability to move the weight freely in all three directions. Meeka Machinery is one of the top overhead crane manufacturers in India, who provide world-class solutions for customized material handling requirements for a broad spectrum of companies.

Meeka Machinery – A Promise of Quality

Meeka Machinery employs some of the most experienced designers and engineers to manufacture some of the highest quality overhead cranes in the country. The designing process at Meeka Machinery incorporates all necessary features and measures to ensure that the product falls within the specifications of a high Factor of Safety. The Factor of Safety provides failsafe protection to the crane, other equipment on the factory floor, and most importantly, the workers in case of overloading.

Over and above the world-class designing process, Meeka Machinery also uses the highest quality materials and components so that clients get great value for their money. Meeka Machinery has been a name synonymous with quality in the material handling equipment industry for more than three decades. Meeka Machinery, as a token of confidence in the quality of its equipment, offers the best after sales service in the industry to all the clients around the clock.

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