Learn about the challenges faced by electric hoist manufacturers as far as skilled labor, product specifications and other intricacies of hoists are concerned.
Gearboxes: Hoists require very specific gearboxes for them to function as needed by the client. This can be a setback for electric hoist manufacturers that do not have the facilities to manufacture their own gearboxes and must rely on outside manufacturers for the individual parts. A gearbox not functioning properly can have potentially huge ramifications once the hoist is put in use. Imagine an electric hoist lifting a 3-ton object and the gears break!
Wire Ropes: A wire rope is made of three basic components: the core, the wire and the strands. Each part plays a crucial role in determining the load bearing capacity of a wire rope hoist. The more strands the wires are made of the more flexibility the wire rope has, while the material used in the core defines the strength of the wire rope. If a low number of strands are used the wire rope will be inflexible and can break. At the same time, if a strong enough material is not used to create the core, the weight will be too much and again the wire rope will break. Electric wire rope hoist suppliers and manufacturers must consider the specifications of the clients very carefully before making decisions in the building of the wire rope.
Hooks: Hooks are the actual point of contact with the load. There is a part of every hook which is the least load bearing surface and should be denoted as such by the electric hoist supplier. Moreover, the hook has to have a safety latch in case there is slack in the wire rope so that the load doesn’t drift off the hook. These are both crucial measures that every manufacturer needs to take before selling a hoist. Any negligence on the part of the electric hoist manufacturer or supplier in this case would be catastrophic.
Testing after manufacture: The most important responsibility of the companies that manufacture wire rope electric hoist is to ensure the safety of their buyers. They cannot do so If they don’t repeatedly test the hoist apparatus both individually and together. The tensile strength of the wire rope, the strength of the hook, the mechanics of the gearbox all need to be at an optimum level for the hoist to do its job. Due to a lack of enough testing sometimes accidents happen in hoists being used for industrial purposes.
Skilled Labor: There is an imminent need of skilled manpower when it comes to Material Handling Manufacturers, which includes electric hoist manufacturers. Both on the production front, and once the buyer starts using the product, for maintenance and repair. This is an industry that needs a high level of technical knowledge as well as presence of mind. It is hard to find a sufficient amount of laborers who know how to operate, maintain and repair the hoists and cranes that MHMs deal in.
Meeka Machinery takes painstaking care to make sure that all these challenges are met. They test repeatedly, and then test some more before selling any hoist. It is not easily that Meeka Machinery has risen to the top of such a challenging manufacturing business. There is a lot at stake when operating such heavy machinery and Meeka delivers, without fail.